September 20, 2013

Grown-Up Shmown-Up

A couple of weeks ago Lily’s preschool had a parents' meeting where we were supposed to come without kids to learn about the school, their policies, meet the teachers, see the classrooms etc. Ryan stayed home with the girls and I set off for the meeting on my own. On the drive there I started to feel kind of nervous and I realized that in my mind I was thinking: this is weird, it is going to be me and a bunch of adults. Like, I’m nervous to be around all these parents. Like, I’m a kid and THEY ARE GROWN-UPS. Hold the phone… I’m a parent. These people have kids the same age as mine. Some of them might even be younger than me. I’M A GROWN-UP TOO.

I wore my Hello Apparel shirt, but took this pic later because I was too scared one of those grumpy old person parents would catch me instagramming in my car and judge me.

I don’t know what it is. I feel like a parent. I feel like a responsible adult-type person. I have two children. I’m freaking 31 years old! By all accounts I should consider myself a grown-up, but it still seems weird. Is it because I still shop at Urban Outfitters? You would tell me if I needed to stop, right? Whatever, young at heart baby! I’m going with it.


  1. I once chaperoned a field trip for my son, maybe first grade... one of the other teachers asked "whose big brother came as chaperone."
    My son is now a senior in high school.

    1. That is hilarious! I haven't had that yet, maybe when they are older. Fingers crossed! ;)

  2. I still buy dresses from Forever 21! And I'm 30 with 2 kids and have to scoff at the teens who come in and say things like, "Would you say this is a 90s look?" Child,please.

  3. love the shirt! I used to feel the same way, but I've been doing this mom stuff for 10 years now, so I've gotten to the point of not caring. we are who we are, right? And incidentally a lot of my 5th graders friends think I'm 'cool' because I'm not 'old'.

    1. Sweet, I want to be the cool mom, I'll probably try too hard and say things like "dope!" ;)

  4. LOL, I feel exactly the same way!!! I feel 12 inside and sometimes I still get stuff out of the "juniors" department...but i'm starting to realize those days are coming to an end. Urban Outfitters is totally ok!! :)

    1. We shall embrace our inner middle schoolers together!

  5. I had to go to the exact same thing a few weeks ago and I felt exactly like you! And I was texting my friend all day trying to figure out what to wear and how to do my hair!

    1. I know, I was so nervous! No one even looked at me (obviously). Ha!

  6. haha LOVE you! i totally feel the same way too and i have been a mom for ten years now ;)

  7. I feel that way all.the.time! I turned 31 in September and I was like "there's no way I'm actually IN my 30's now, pssssh I'm still a kid!"


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