November 9, 2011

18 Months

My baby girl is 18 months!! A few days late, but better than never! If you don't want to read everything, at least scroll to the end for my favorite picture!

Here is a photo explosion from the last month:

{You love being outside as always! Walks are your favorite thing.}

{Hair = still crazy. Trying to find ways to keep it out of your face.}

{Such a sweet face it is.}

{You wanted to get a closer look at the barking dogs. I swear you said "Two dogs!" You also try to climb everyone's front steps and go right up to their door, we are working on that.}

{Wearing Nani's gloves}

{One of your latest dance moves: the kick. Done on command. Also in your repertoire: the chicken dance}

{You love to see your reflection, watch what you look like doing things, and also kiss yourself. You have also started dancing with your shadow.}


{You can't tell, but you are squealing in this picture. You love to be chased and to chase people. You also love when we scare you by hiding and then jumping out at you. You laugh and laugh.}

{Daddy is your favorite. When we get home from work you literally push me out of the way to get to him. It's ok, I get awesome snuggles. Also, look how good you are at holding our hands when we cross the street. You always reach for us about half a block before we get to the street, but you let go immediately when we get to the other side.}

{Magic wand. Like mother like daughter.}

{You kiss inanimate objects.}

 {New favorite place to ride.}

{Book disaster. These are not my books...though I don't turn my nose up at romance novels.}

{You loved answering the door on Halloween, though you really just wanted to go outside.}

{Sometimes you just want to put on your tutu.}

The Paper Mama
 {Entering this last pic in the photo challenge. It is my "Favorite from October".}

New things this month: 

Words like Ouch, No (uh oh!), and I'm pretty sure you say Happy, though when I asked if you said "Happy" you said "No!"

You have, I guess, mini-tantrums if you want something or don't want something. We have talks about it and then you kiss us. You are generally very good though and that is saying a lot since you have been sick almost the entire month!

You are a climber! We use to block the cable box/DVD player with our big ottoman/table thing, but one day we just found you sitting on it.

You still love to wash your hands, so funny.

You sing to yourself all the time and sometimes let Mama join in.

When I put on music you immediately want to be picked up so we can dance together.

I know there are more new things I am forgetting, you literally do new things every day, it is amazing.

I can't believe you are closer to two than to one! You are such a little firecracker and seeing you grow and change every day makes me so proud to be your Mama.


  1. Happy 18 months sweet girl! I love her boots, and her tutu!! I think she'll be a dancer :-)

  2. happy 18 months! what adorable pictures...and yes that last one is the cute!

  3. That first picture is precious.. She is adorable :)

  4. She is so precious! I love her long curly locks. :)

  5. Shannon (sitting in a tree)November 10, 2011

    She's stunning and that last picture is magazine worthy!

  6. Nicole CisnerosNovember 10, 2011

    So cute!!!! The one with the gloves made me laugh!! She is a doll!

  7. thepapermamaNovember 10, 2011

    So so cute. Love that curly hair!

  8. such a sweet face!

    where do you guys live again?

  9. she is so adorable!! isn't eighteen months the best?? her pigtails KILL me.


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