A year.
A YEAR. I can’t stop saying it. 525,600 minutes according to Tony Award winning musical RENT. That is a lot of time, so how did it go by so fast?
I could go on and on about my love for this girl, but instead I will make a list of things that have surprised me:
I am excellent at picking things up with my toes.
I cannot go on facebook in the middle of the night then expect to go back to sleep.
When I have no time for housework it actually feels like a luxury to get anything done. Who would have though I would enjoy cleaning?
I am hilarious. Well, she thinks I am and that is all that matters.
Cloth diapering has NOT been difficult! I really haven’t given it much thought since we started. It has been pretty easy breezy.
I can carry a LOT of things at once. Baby, diaper bag, breast pump, small pony, clown shoes, whatever.
I am not ready to stop breastfeeding. I went through many stages of wanting to quit, but pushed through for my 1 year goal. Now we are here and I love it so much. Hopefully we can keep up the morning and night feedings for a bit longer.
You can literally love someone more every day. I think I might explode and we are only 365 days into this relationship.
The strangest things make me cry. Anything that indicates she is growing up. Laying her in her crib for the first time. The first time she “played” with my sister, which consisted of her wanting to be flipped upside down over and over. The first time I realized she could understand what I was saying to her. The first time she turned when I called her name. Ugh, heart wrenching. As much as I don’t want her to grow up so quickly, I am trying so hard not to wish for her to be little again. I can’t live in the past or I will miss the present, and right now will always be special and amazing.
Looking like Dopey of the 7 dwarfs. |
At you friend Max's 1st birthday party. |
Snuggling with Mama in Colorado. |
Poke! |
Loving your cousins. |
They had so much fun with you! |
Your new favorite toy, it makes such a great sound! |
I want to be a princess now. |
(12 month Ugly Doll photo to come next time)
My baby is becoming a girl and I am so excited for what we have in store.
Happy birthday Lulabelle. Now back to party preparations, it is going to be a fun weekend!
Happy 1st birthday to your little doll! Just remember, you can make another baby, so enjoy every moment of her toddlerhood ;)
ReplyDeleteP.S. LOVE the royal wedding photo. So cute.
THat flew by didn't it!? I love her watching the wedding on tv! So cute.
ReplyDeleteHappy 1st birthday to your little doll! Just remember, you can make another baby, so enjoy every moment of her toddlerhood ;)
ReplyDeleteP.S. LOVE the royal wedding photo. So cute.
THat flew by didn't it!? I love her watching the wedding on tv! So cute.
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